Want to work together?

Book a free consultation call below to learn more about my current offering.

NOTHING is stopping you from having, feeling, or becoming whatever it is you want.

Nothing but YOU.

YOU are responsible for giving yourself the life that you want.

In order to do that, you must have a trusting, safe, and intimate relationship with…

you guessed it… YOU.

But most people won’t openly admit that their relationship to themselves is hot stanky garbage.

They constantly talk shit about themselves, they judge and berate themselves in their mind, they even HATE themselves sometimes.

They CAN’T give themselves the life they want because they can’t bare to spend more than 5 minutes alone before they want to crawl out of their own skin.

Self mastery & growth cannot coexist with self hate.

You’ve got to pick one, you can’t have both.

There is an internal disconnect that MUST be repaired before you go out and try to do and have and become all the things.

This is a delicate and intricate journey that goes MUCH smoother with the help of a self awareness professional who is trained and skilled at holding neutral space for others.

That’s moi.

Ellicia Turner, Life Coach. At your service.

I offer a complimentary consultation call to make sure of a few things:

1. We will be a good/safe energetic match. (consent from BOTH parties).
2. My services are appropriate for your current circumstance (this is not a replacement for medical help).
3. Explain my offer in detail and give you the opportunity to have all your questions answered before we start.

It’s extremely normal and expected to feel some nervousness or fear while scheduling a call like this.


If you have a desire to learn more about working with a life coach, I encourage you sign up afraid and get your questions answered anyway.

Courage is one of the most powerful and useful emotions, utilize it here.

I know, I don’t like talking to strangers either—let alone getting personal with them!

But if I never took the leap and did it afraid, I’d still be having regular panic attacks.

I’d never have started my business.

I’d probably still be way more dependent on alcohol and way more broke from needing to buy more and more clothes to numb all the feelings I used to try to avoid.

It’s ok that it feels scary— it’s not a problem.

Remind your brain you will be physically and emotionally safe on this zoom call, and if you need to, you can always exit the meeting mid sentence, no questions asked.

This is a safe space.

I’m not here to pressure you, sell you on something you don’t really want, or tell you if you DON’T get a life coach you are doomed—that’s not true!

I’m only here 100% in service to those who are wanting support as they navigate one of the most tender aspects of our humanity: our relationship to self.

If you feel called to this work, then pick up the damn phone!
The universe is ringing you!

Click below to schedule your free 30 minute call now. You will receive a confirmation email once you’ve scheduled and a separate zoom meeting invitation 24 hours before your appointment time.

I’ll see you there.