The Miracle That is US

Photo by Alistair MacRobert

Thank you for being here.

I don’t just mean here, getting this email.

I also mean HERE. On planet earth. Existing. RIGHT NOW.

It’s kinda a big deal.

It’s kinda an insurmountable odd.

We often forget the miracle that is… us.

We often get so caught up in the minute we forget about the massive.

Here is a gentle reminder that your existence is MASSIVE.

Massively important, massively valuable, massively worthy, massively precious.

It can be hard to remember this while we are distracted with so much stress, fear and overwhelm.

It can be REALLY hard to pull ourselves out of these patterns and give ourselves permission to relax into the present moment.

Like this one.

Let’s try right now.

Take a moment with me.

Put your hand over your heart.

Remind yourself your life is a miracle.

And that you’re allowed to acknowledge that.

How does that feel?

It’s ok if it didn’t create a transformative change within you.

I’m just looking for one small, subtle shift in attention.

Away from fear and towards love.

I AM SO EXCITED to start giving away my curriculum next month on here.

Each week will offer you one small, subtle shift and overtime, these shifts will COMPOUND.

I want to help magnify returns on your wellness and presence, which automatically helps you STOP magnifying the stress and anxiety in your life (which is oh, so easy to create in our world today).

Call me crazy, but I believe you should feel really good in your life.

No, not always. Not in a way where you ignore or escape the negative half.

Simply feeling good in the sense that you are centered and aligned within.

No matter what life hands you.

I love you! Talk soon.


P.S. I am giddy that some of you have booked an amateur tarot reading with me already. THANK YOU for indulging my whimsical ideas and letting me read what the card means straight outta the book. I am having so much fun on these calls connecting you to your higher self. If you want to experience my amateur tarot skills, book a 30 minute session right here. I just added more times for more FUN.


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